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Q: It would be concerning if I have gained 4 kg (8lb) in the past 2 weeks This is with the same eating pattern prior. I just don't go to the toilet as regular but there is no reason as to why I don't go?
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wow. what are you eating??

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he needs to lose that weight fast my lord stop eating everything in front of you please

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well it depends. what have you been eating? well it depends. what have you been eating? well it depends. what have you been eating?

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A bigger waist line and whole lot of health problems

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one word. chocolate. once you start eating it you wont stop, i gained 2 stn while being depressed and comfort eating

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Is gain a verb?

Yes, "gained" is the past tense version of the verb "to gain". For example: After many years of preparation, he gained the right to test for a black belt.

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I've gained 10 lbs in 6 months while taking daily hair vitamins. My eating habits and regular exercise hadn't changed at all. So what's caused the weight gain? Has to be the vitamins.

What organ benefits vitamin A?

There is a large amount of vitamin A gained from eating liver; this is why pregnant women are advised not to eat liver regularly.

I work out everyday use protein and eat healthy and have gained in strength immensly but have not gained weight or size at all and only slight definition What can be done to fix this?

From your question it is very evident that you are eating good amount of protein but not eating enough calories,.. so increase your calorie intake by 500 calories and you will start seeing results...