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Needle. Guns are bad news. They can't be completely sterilized. Which means that if theres any dirt, dust, or blood in there, it can't be cleaned completely. It also uses a lot of force to shove a blunt stud through your ear. This causes unnecessary trauma to your ear and can even shatter cartilage. Guns can also malfunction easily. Studs can get stuck in the gun or even break. People who use guns aren't pros. They just read a short manual on how to use the gun. They don't require any knowledge of basic anatomy, blood-borne pathogens, or basic sterilization practices that the pros are required to learn. Definitely go to a professional piercer. APP certification is best but not all good piercers are APP certified. Just be sure that wherever you go , they use an autoclave to sterilize everything.

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It depends on where you go. If it's the mall chances are that it's going to be a gun, and you need to not allow that for many reasons including cartilage shatter, blunt force trauma, unsterile, probably keloid scarring, probable infection, increased cancer cells in the area (this doesn't mean that you will have cancer just that the cell count will be much higher). Go to a REPUTABLE shop and have them pierce it with either a needle or a dermal punch. Watch them remove the tools from sterile packages, watch them change their gloves, listen when they tell you what to do and follow their aftercare instructions and you should (could but not likely) have no problems with your new piercing.

AnswerHmmmmmmn, that depends, no competant tattoo shop would use the gun, but if ya went to Walmart or Merle Norman they will.

Tattoo and piercing shops are generally knowledgable on these matters and use only sterile piercing needles to insert sterile jewelry....The Gun used by the other places is not sterilized and everyone it has ever touched is now touching you. And was the clerk doing your piercing changing oil in the automotive dept. yesterday?????

As always TatuBaron

i went to a place and they said you can actually loose your ear if you have it pierced with a gun so i would recommend getting it done somewhere that does it with a needle or just go somewhere else its really not worth the risk

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Q: Should you get your cartilage pierced with a gun or needle?
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Where can you get your upper ear done with a gun?

Any body piercing shop or tattoo shop that offers piercing services or Claire's. But, I have to say, it is preferable to get your cartilage pierced with a needle because a gun can shatter your cartilage.

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Can you change your earring the first day you get it pierced?

6 weeks for lobe. 12 weeks for cartilage. That's if done with a hollow needle. With a gun, even longer.

Which is better when you get your cartilage pierced the needle or gun?

Without a doubt, the needle over the gun......For one thing the gun touching you is the same gun that has touched everyone before you....The gun cannot be sterilized or cleaned per se..... Also the gun will smash the cartilage, and be especially painful..... In the hands of a competent piercer the needle over the gun, now, forever and always....Hope this helps........... i went to a place and they said you can loose your ear if you get it done with a gun because of the pressure and force so if they are not going to do it with a needle just go somewhere else do not take the unnecessary risk

Does getting your cartilage pierced hurt with a needle?

it depends on your pain tolerance! a bunch of my friends do them on their own. they numb it with ice then stick the needle through! i just got 2 done with a's faster and less scary!

Is it better to get your lip pierced with a needle or a gun?

Needle. Guns aren't suitable for any piercing

Did Miley Cyrus get her nose pierced by needle or gun?

Probably a needle because a gun is more likely to cause an infection and it's better if a needle is used.

How old do you have to be to get your cartilage pierced from Claires?

If you are under 18 a parent or guardian will need to sign some papers and be present when you get the piercings. You must be at least 13 to get your cartilage pierced regardless of a parent's consent. -DO NOT GET IT FROM CLAIRE'S ... claire's pierce with a gun , &if that shatters your cartilage, your gonna go through ALOOOOOT of pain &it causes alot. &your supposed to pierce it with a needle, it wont get infected as easy.

How much is it to get your cartilage pierced at Claires?

You should NOT get your cartilage pierced at any other place aside from a tattoo parlor. No piercings should be done without a hollow needle as a regular needle will push the skin and cartilage that is being pierced to the back of your ear causing infection, swelling, and an all out gross looking ear. I highly suggest that you go to a tattoo parlor and get it done professionally. It will cost anywhere from10-40 dollars depending on where you go and if you have an earring to go in it. The earring should be steel as it is hypoallergenic. Sources: I'm a piercer and I have a lot of experience and I have many piercings including my cartilage. Hope this helps. --------------------------------------------------- Improved answer: I dont understand why everyone says not to get it done at Claire's. I got my cartilage done at Claire's and it was PERFECTLY FINE. It was $33 for the earring, piercing, and ear cleaner fluid. My ear did NOT get infected and nothing bad happened at all. Personally tattoo parlors are pretty scary.... Everyone at Claire's are nice and friendly Sources: Got my cartilage pierced at Claire's

Is it better to pierce with a needle or gun?

The Needle. Using The Gun To Pierce Like For Example Your Cartilage In Your Ear, The Cartilage Might Shatter And Youll Feel Tiny Bumps Around Your New Piercing, Thatll Mean You Have Shattered Your Cartilage. So In My Opinion For Choosing What To Pierce With I Would Have To Say A Hollow Piercing Needle :)

Does it hurt when you pierce your nose with a gun?

* My nose was pierced with a gun and it didn't hurt at all but then again people tell me that you shouldn't have anything pierced with guns. * I had the needle done, and it hurt like hell, but it is supposedly the healthier way to do it.

Just got the skin right where the lobe turns into the cartilage pierced ears have always rejected cartilage piercing maybe they snipped a piece of cartilage sightly red and a little swollen?

If the piercing was done with a piercing gun then that should answer the question.