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The lute was developed long before the modern Flute was. However, for quite some time, recorders were also referred to as "flutes," as were panflutes. These originated before the lute did.

The earliest flute (The Divje Babe flute) is a 43,000 year old cave bear femur pierced by spaced holes that was found at the Divje Babe archeological park located near Cerkno in northwestern Slovenia. The artifact was the product of Neanderthals.
The European lute ancestors (both in name and form) comes from the Arab instrument known as al 'Ud (the wood). It was introduced into Europe by the Moors during their conquest and occupation of Spain (711-1492).
The flute is therefore the predecessor of the lute by at least 43,000 years.

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Q: Was the lute made first or the flute?
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When was the flute first made?

The first flute was made over 5,000 years ago. It was made out of bone. The first metal flute was made in 1830 by Theobald Boehm.

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There is strong evidence that the flute was not the first instrument made. It was almost certainly some kind of drum. These were made by the cavemen, made out of animal skin, sticks, grass and clay.

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When did the flute first appear?

The very first flute to appear was in the 1790's. That was the very first one so it was made out of wood, not brass.

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Flute like instruments were first seen in early cave drawings but the flute was probably made somewhere in central Asia

When was the first musical insterment invented?

Archaeologists believe it was the flute, made from bone.