

Best Answer

Tim Allen


Bill Clinton

demi Moore


neil Armstrong

kermit the frog

jimi Hendrix


Marilyn Moore

Prince William of England

Bart Simpson

pablo piccaso

jerry seinfield

jay leno

whoopi goldberg

Oprah Winfrey

randy Johnson

george h.w. bush

Henry ford

Alan thicke

Helen Keller

mark twain

Leonardo da vinci

babe Ruth

thomas carlyle

Ramses the 3rd

Sarah jessica Parker


Angelina jolie

Ashley tisdale

Tina fey

Hugh jackma

Julia Roberts

ben stiller

Bruce willis

scarlett johansson

Tiffany thornton

Nicole kidman

Billy Ray Cyrus

Mary kate olsen

Bridgit Mendler

david Henrie

Jason bateman

lady gaga

Justin bieber


50 cent

david archuleta

david cook

Kurt cobain

paul McCartney

bobby Ryan

john mccain

Nathan kress

hayley kiyoko

some of my personal family and friends

My brother torrey

my student teacher helper ms.Cosby

my friend tyler

a kid in my class named Luis

my friend paige

my friend alyssa

my art teacher ms.zopatti

my aunt tracie

my dance teacher ms.kay

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Jay Leno, Matt Groening (the creator of The Simpsons).

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Jimi Hendrix!

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Q: What are some famous left handed guitar players?
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Who are some left handed guitar players?

Justin Bieber, for a start

Who are some famous left handed hockey players?

bobby clarke

What are good metal guitar brands for left handed players?

Ibanez jackson stagg etc

Is Niall Horan left-handed or right-handed when playing the guitar?

Hes left handed but he learned how to play the guitar with his left

Do left handed basketball players have an advantage over left handed ones?

That makes no scense but left handed basketball players have an advantage overright handed players

Is there a lefthanded Guitar Hero controller?

no such guitar controller has been commercially produced for left handed people but many creative left handed people have made or modified a right handed guitar controller to be left handed. playing a right handed guitar left handed is still easily achievable and is why no people bother to have a left handed specific controller.

25 players on a baseball team 6 players are left handed what percent is left handed?

24% are left-handed.

On jackals baseball team there are 28 right handed players and 16 left handed players what is the ratio of right handers to left handers on jackals team?

The ratio of right-handed players to left-handed players on the Jackals baseball team can be calculated by dividing the number of right-handed players by the number of left-handed players. In this case, the ratio would be 28 right-handed players divided by 16 left-handed players, which simplifies to 7:4. This means that for every 7 right-handed players on the team, there are 4 left-handed players.

Is joaN Jett left handed?

Yea but she plays guitar right handed

Who are some musicians who play the guitar left handed?

There are many left-handed guitar players. Among the many are: Jimi Hendrix, Paul McCartney, Kurt Cobain, Iggy Pop, Tony Iommi, Slim Whitman and Andrew White.

Why doesn't Rickenbacker make lefthanded guitars?

I wonder maybe they are idiots. There are dozen of thousands left handed guitar players around the world dying for a Rickenbacker guitar left handed with money in cash to purchase them. That's all I said.

Can golf be played left-handed?

Certainly! There are sets of left handed golf clubs made specifically for lefties. Ben Hogan and Phil Mickelson are two of the most famous left handed players.