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Copper-67 undergoes beta decay with a halflife of 59 hours, becoming stable Zinc-67.

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Q: What are the nuclear changes during decay of copper 67?
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Do element identities reamin the same or change during nuclear decay?

That depends on the nuclear decay type. For gamma decay, the identity does NOT change, but for alpha and beta, it does.

How does an isotope of an element change during nuclear decay?

During nuclear decay, radioisotopes of one element can change into one or more isotopes of a different element altogether.

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nuclear decay, such as alpha decay or beta decay.

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All nuclear decay is spontaneous.

How can nuclear changes occur?

These can happen by fission where a nucleus splits into two parts on absorbing a neutron, or by radioactive decay.

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Nuclear emission of a helium ion is called alpha decay.

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The atomic mass of a radioactive atoms is changed during the radioactive decay (alpha decay, neutron decay, proton decay, double proton decay), spontaneous or artificial fission, nuclear reactions.

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