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Q: What can you say about man's mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimension?
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What e is something that can be stretche but goes back to its original shape?

Elastic can be stretched and then reverts back to its original shape.

What e is something that can be streched but goes back to its original shape?

Elastic is something that can be stretched but goes back to its original shape after.

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Stretched out skin can indeed gain some of its elasticity back. Stretched out skin will never have the full elasticity it once had.

What goes back into its original shape after being stretched?

Elastic or Rubber

Why does Blaze revive or How she revive?

Actually,if I'm getting my facts right,Blaze never truly dies in sonic '06,she gets teleported back to her original dimension somehow.(which is probably the dimension from sonic rush and sonic rush adventure.)

What goes back to its original shape after being stretched and is measured in force meters?

a ball that you use when you are bad or unhappy

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If that happens, you'll NEVER EVER get it back, its not like an original pc.

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Robert Hooke found out that springs once stretched to a certail level will after go back to its original shape.

Has anyone here stretched their ears to a 0g and stretched them back down to 18g Normal without surgery and might have a photo that I can see?

No, they would go down alittle bit but not by much, I went up to 0's and they never went back to normal.

Did Blaze the cat die in Sonic the Hedgehog?

No she didn't die, the flames entered her soul, & sent her to another dimension, but since Sonic & Elise went back in time and changed everything, so that mephiles & Iblis never came to be, it is unknown if Blaze was sent back to Silver's dimension or not

What is philanthropic dimension?

"giving back" to society

What does the doom dimension do?

a doom card is placed on the field and goes into the ground if you were masquerade team mate, then if the good guys ball gets killed its in the doom dimension the doom dimension is masquerades base. But when masquerade wins the battle, your bakugan gets sent to the doom dimension. And it will never come back. But on the live game, if your opponent loses, that bakugan is out of the game. If there is any questions, contact me at