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To name a few: 'Regina Regina', 'Jesse and Noah', 'The Kinleys', 'Blake & Brian', 'Thrasher Shiver'

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Q: What country duos came out in the early '90s?
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Rugrats was actually a 90s cartoon.The first episode was on August 11, 1991 and the last episode was on June 8, 2004.

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Gameboy color.

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$1.00 a gallon

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"Dusk to dawn" is the name of the movie, starring George Clooney

What is the name of that movie called with 2pak that sings the song all around the world same song?

If I'm right, the movie is called "Nothing But Trouble" which came out in the early 90s.

What happened to pauly shore?

Pauly Shore, The Weasel, was a comic actor from the early '90s. His initial fame came from MTV but he is still performing stand-up comedy and tours.

Is 1994 considered the early 90's?

No. 1994 is considered mid-'90s with 1995 and 1996. The exact middle of the 1990s is January 1, 1995. That implies 1993 is as close to the middle as 1996. (This is why 1993 is also sometimes considered mid-'90s.) And it implies 1994 is as close as 1995 to the middle. If you're dividing the '90s between early and late, and not considering a middle, then you'd place 1994 in the early section. (The early '90s would thus be 1990 to 1994, and the late '90s would be 1995 to 1999.) But this is rarely done.

What music groups from the early 90s start with a J?
