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Charles Dickens also wrote Bleak House, Dombey & Son, Little Dorrit, The Old Curiousity Shop, to name a few. He produce 14 novels and numerous short stories, sketches and essays during his life.

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Q: What do the other authors think about the novel Oliver Twist written by Charles Dickens?
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When was Oliver Twist written by Charles Dickens?

yes oliver twist is written by charles dickens

Who created Oliver the twist?

You mean Oliver Twist. Charles Dickens created him.

Who wrote the novels hard times and Oliver's twist?

Charles Dickens.

Did Charles Dickens write White Fangs?

No, Charles Dickens did not write White Fang. White Fang was written by Jack London. Charles Dickens is known for his works such as Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol, and Great Expectations.

Who wrote the book the twists?

You are probably thinking of Oliver Twist, a book written by Charles Dickens in 1836.

What was Charles Dickens hard times and Oliver Twist books language?

Charles Dickens wrote in English.

Did Charles Dickens who play Oliver Twist?

No, Charles Dickens did not play Oliver Twist. Oliver Twist is a character from Dickens' novel of the same name, but he was portrayed by various actors in stage plays, movies, and TV adaptations of the story.

What is the name of the author who wrote olivier twist?

The author who wrote "Oliver Twist" is Charles Dickens.

Who is Charles Dickens and why is he famous?

He was the Author of "OLIVER TWIST"

Who wrote A Christmas Carol and Oliver Twist?

Both "A Christmas Carol" and "Oliver Twist" were written by Charles Dickens, a famous English novelist known for his works capturing social issues and conditions in Victorian England. Dickens' intricate storytelling and memorable characters have made these works enduring classics in literature.

How Charles Dickens dodger was descibed in Oliver Twist?


What is Charles Dickens greatest book?

maybe Oliver Twist.