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6C14 ---------> 7N14 + -1 e0

Beta particle is emitted and carbon changes into nitrogen

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Q: What happens when carbon 14 undergoes radioactive decay?
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What are the changes in the radioactive decay of carbon-14?

Carbon-14 undergoes beta decay, becoming nitrogen-14 which is stable.

What happens when an unstable nucleus undergoes radioactive decay?

Particles or electromagnetic radiation are emitted.

What atom undergoes radioactive decay what is actually split or affected the most?


What is a nucleus that is unstable and undergoes decay?

Atomic nuclei that are unstable and decaying are said to be radioactive. Radioactive decay involves alpha, beta and gamma particle emissions.

What is half life of a isotope?

The half life of an isotope refers to the rate at which a radioactive isotope undergoes radioactive decay. Specifically, it is the amount of time it takes for half of a given sample of a radioactive isotope to decay.

When an atom undergoes radioactive decay does it become a different element?

That depends on the type of decay, alpha and beta decay change the atom into a different element but gamma decay does not.

When an atom undergoes radioactive decay the energy released in the reaction comes from what?

The energy that comes from the radioactive decay of an atom can come from the electrons and can come from the strong force inside the nucleus.

Does carbon 14 decay into chemistry?

Caebon-14 is a radioactive isotope and can decay.

Which particle is emitted from a hydrogen-3 nucleus when it undergoes radioactive decay?

beta, aka an electron.

What is the lightest element that can undergo radioactive decay and what type of decay occurs in that element?

The lightest "element" that can undergo radioactive decay is the isotope hydrogen-3, which undergoes beta decay. The lightest element with no radioactively stable isotopes is technetium, and its isotopes have different modes of decay.

What radioactive isotope undergoes beta decay to produce sulfur 32?

Phosphorus-32 produces sulfur-32 by negative beta decay.

What is the nuclear decay equation for hydrogen-hydrogen?

The only hydrogen isotope that undergoes any type of radioactive decay is tritium (hydrogen-3), it undergoes beta decay to become helium-3. If that's not what you were asking about, I'm confused by your question.