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Q: What is a low octave?
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How do you use the word octave in a sentence?

The bass starts on a low E, and the tenor comes in on the octave.

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What determine the Oboe's high and low notes?

octave keys

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Low Sunday

How do you play low notes on the clarinet?

let go of the octave key

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How do you play top D on an alto sax?

To play a low D, play all three buttons for your left hand, and all three buttons for your right hand as well. To play an octave higher, push down the octave key (your left thumb) as well as the three buttons on each hand. To play an octave higher than that, play only the first palm key on your left hand, and the octave key.

What is the roll of rate of a 1 0rder Low pass filter?

6 dB per octave. The slope outside the pass band is 6 times the order, in dB/octave.

What is a 'e' on a alto - saxophone?

It depends a high 'e' would be the octave key the three first buttons and the first two on the bottom part. a low 'e' will be the same but without an octave key.

What does the tenor vocal range sound like?

about average in terms of high-low pitch. a good tenor's range is typically from an octave below middle c to an octave above middle c.

Is the viola high pitch or low pitch?

A viola is in the key of C, and is tuned in fifths. The lowest string is tuned an octave below middle C, then G, D, and A. Each string is an octave higher then a cello. A viola is in the key of C, and is tuned in fifths. The lowest string is tuned an octave below middle C, then G, D, and A. Each string is an octave higher then a cello.

What does octave mean in music term?

An octave is a stepping stone, of sorts. On a viola, their are multiple notes that play 'a'. On the G String, first finger is 'low a' On the A string, open is 'a' They are separated by an octave. An octave is the distance between two of the same notes. To play a two octave scale, start with first finger D on the C String and end with Third finger D on the A string. The Viola has four strings: A, D, G, C. C is the lowest.