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American Pie was written as a lament over the death of Buddy Holly and Ritchie Valens in a plane crash. Just like "Abraham, Martin, and John" in the same era, it was a lament over the sudden change in popular culture.

There was a saying that was cynically popular at the time, "As American as Apple Pie", so this song was saying that our way of life was gone. Rather young sounding, but most Pop Music is as we know. Part of the mood of the time was colored by the Viet Nam war, and there was much uncertainty in our lives. For a young person who was into music, the event was catastrophic.

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The first American Pie was called "American Pie".

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American Pie is longer than Bohemian Raphsody

Is American Pie really an Apple Pie?

"American Pie" is the title of a movie.

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There are seven American Pie films. The films: American Pie (1999) American Pie 2 (2001) American Pie - The Wedding (2003) American Pie - Band Camp (2005) American Pie - Naked Mile (2006) American Pie - Beta House (2007) American Pie - Book of Love (2009) And there will also be a 8th film in April 2012. "American Pie - Reunion". The first three movies are actually the real American Pie. After these it handle about Steve Stiflers brothers and cousins in the other four movies: Matt Stifler (Steve's younger brother), Eric Stifler (Steve and Matt's cousin). Dwight Stifler (cousin to the others) and Scott Stifler (also cousin to Steve and Matt).

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How long is American pie?

American pie is 8:34

As American as what pie fits in this blank?

As American as apple pie.

Why do they say the US is an American Pie?

everwatch the movie American pie? there your answer

Is there going to be any more American pie films?

So far there isAmerican Pie (1999)American Pie 2 (2001)American Wedding (2003)American Pie Presents: Band Camp (2005)American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile (2006)American Pie Presents: Beta House (2007)American Pie Presents: The Book Of Love (2009)

What was the Production Budget for American Pie?

The Production Budget for American Pie was $12,000,000.

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American Pie 7 The Book of Love