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I believe it is versaid. I'm not sure that is how it is spelled.

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Q: What is the name of the drug they use where you stay alert but have no memory - amnesia - of the time during which you were on it?
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What is short term memory loss?

What was the question again ------------------------------------------------------- In general Memory loss is referred to as Amnesia, is an abnormal degree of forgetfulness and/or inability to recall past events. Depending on the cause, memory loss may have either a sudden or gradual onset, and memory loss may be permanent or temporary. Memory loss may be limited to the inability to recall recent events, events from the distant past, or a combination of both. Memory loss has multiple causes including a number of chronic medical and psychological conditions, trauma, medications, drug or alcohol abuse, and infections. Answer for your question: Transient global amnesia (TGA) is "one of the most striking syndromes in clinical neurology" whose key defining characteristic is temporary but almost total disruption of short-term memory with a range of problems accessing older memories. A person in a state of TGA exhibits no other signs of impaired cognitive functioning but recalls only the last few moments of consciousness plus deeply-encoded facts of the individual's past, such as his or her own name. A person having an attack of TGA has almost no capacity to establish new memories, but generally appears otherwise mentally alert and lucid, possessing full knowledge of self-identity and identity of close family, and maintaining intact perceptual skills and a wide repertoire of complex learned behavior. The individual simply cannot recall anything that happened outside the last few minutes, while memory for more temporally distant events may or may not be largely intact. This onset of TGA is generally fairly rapid, and its duration varies but generally lasts between 2 to 8 hours. A person experiencing TGA typically has memory only of the past few minutes or less, and cannot retain new information beyond that period of time. One of its bizarre features is perseverance, in which the victim of an attack faithfully and methodically repeats statements or questions, complete with profoundly identical intonation and gestures "as if a fragment of a sound track is being repeatedly rerun." Other types of Amnesia includes ... Post-traumatic amnesia, Dissociative amnesia, Lacunar amnesia, Childhood amnesia, Source amnesia, Memory distrust syndrome, Blackout phenomenon, Korsakoff's syndrome, Drug-induced amnesia, Prosopamnesia, Situation-Specific amnesia etc.

During a 2001 drug deal gone bad The Game was shot how many times?


In the musical Rent what drug is Mimi addicted to?

In the Live version of Rent, they refer to her drug of choice as "smack" which in the drug world is slang for Heroin.

Why is ace frehley not in kiss?

Ace left in 1983 and during the Farewell tour, due to drug use and booze in 1983, and an argument about how KISS was opening for Aerosmith, he is happier currently when asked in Guitar Player

How did jimmy page become so thin?

I Recall Reading That Jimmy Page Had Become Addicted To Heroin During His Time In Led Zeppelin, & Allegedly Page's Thin Appearance Was Due To His Drug Use.

Related questions

Could Amnesia cure a Drug or Alcohol addiction?

Amnesia is not a cure, it's a sickness. Even if it COULD cure those problems, there's no way to induce amnesia.

Four possible side effects that can result from drug use?

Tachycardia (fast heart rate) Amnesia (loss of memory) Hallucination (perception in the absence of a stimulus) Death (no longer living)

How long does amnesia last after getting your wisdom teeth out?

"amnesia" is the wrong word - means loss of memory!An anesthetic is a drug used to either generally (make a patient unconscious), or locally (dull pain only in the areas of operation). As to how long to recover? That depends on the anesthetic used and the patient.

What is short term memory loss?

What was the question again ------------------------------------------------------- In general Memory loss is referred to as Amnesia, is an abnormal degree of forgetfulness and/or inability to recall past events. Depending on the cause, memory loss may have either a sudden or gradual onset, and memory loss may be permanent or temporary. Memory loss may be limited to the inability to recall recent events, events from the distant past, or a combination of both. Memory loss has multiple causes including a number of chronic medical and psychological conditions, trauma, medications, drug or alcohol abuse, and infections. Answer for your question: Transient global amnesia (TGA) is "one of the most striking syndromes in clinical neurology" whose key defining characteristic is temporary but almost total disruption of short-term memory with a range of problems accessing older memories. A person in a state of TGA exhibits no other signs of impaired cognitive functioning but recalls only the last few moments of consciousness plus deeply-encoded facts of the individual's past, such as his or her own name. A person having an attack of TGA has almost no capacity to establish new memories, but generally appears otherwise mentally alert and lucid, possessing full knowledge of self-identity and identity of close family, and maintaining intact perceptual skills and a wide repertoire of complex learned behavior. The individual simply cannot recall anything that happened outside the last few minutes, while memory for more temporally distant events may or may not be largely intact. This onset of TGA is generally fairly rapid, and its duration varies but generally lasts between 2 to 8 hours. A person experiencing TGA typically has memory only of the past few minutes or less, and cannot retain new information beyond that period of time. One of its bizarre features is perseverance, in which the victim of an attack faithfully and methodically repeats statements or questions, complete with profoundly identical intonation and gestures "as if a fragment of a sound track is being repeatedly rerun." Other types of Amnesia includes ... Post-traumatic amnesia, Dissociative amnesia, Lacunar amnesia, Childhood amnesia, Source amnesia, Memory distrust syndrome, Blackout phenomenon, Korsakoff's syndrome, Drug-induced amnesia, Prosopamnesia, Situation-Specific amnesia etc.

Why did i lose my memory for about two hours?

Losing memory for a specific period of time could be caused by a variety of factors. It could be due to a medical condition such as transient global amnesia, a head injury or concussion, drug or alcohol use, or psychological factors such as dissociative amnesia. It is important to consult with a medical professional to determine the underlying cause.

Is there any drug which both lowers a persons inhibitions and gives amnesia?

yeah its this special drug, that only certain people can handle. It is the infamous drug called alcohol.

What does amnesia feel like?

Impaired ability to learn new information, following the onset of amnesia (anterograde amnesia) * Impaired ability to recall past events and previously familiar information (retrograde amnesia)* False recollections (confabulation), either completely invented or made up of genuine memories misplaced in time* Neurological problems, such as uncoordinated movements or tremors* Confusion or disorientation* Problems with short-term memory* Partial memory loss* Total memory loss* Inability to recognize familiar faces or places

What legal drug induces unconsciousness hallucinations and amnesia?

Alcohol can cause these three symptoms, if the dose is sufficient.

What has the author Sujit Kumar Pandit written?

Sujit Kumar Pandit has written: 'Studies on drug-induced amnesia'

What has the author Marilee Weisman written?

Marilee Weisman has written: 'Drug alert!' -- subject(s): Drug abuse, Drug use, Youth

What is an example of an alert found on a CDSS system?

patient is allergic to this drug

Does taking drugs interfere with memory?

Yes taking drug can interfere with memory.