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There is no prohibition against eating kosher meat during Shabbat. The reverse is true; it's expected that meat be eaten during the two main Shabbat meals.

On Passover, Jews cannot eat leavened bread (whereas they can at other times of the year). Shabbat does not mirror this. The same kosher rules for the rest of the week apply on Shabbat. Jews cannot eat pork on any day of the week and conversely, Jews can eat tuna or kosher meat on any day of the week.

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Q: What meat can't the Jews eat on the sabbath?
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The Torah permits eating (kosher) meat; and on certain (festive) occasions Judaism encourages it. Most Jews eat red meat, though some Jews are vegetarians or have other reasons for not eating red meat. Additionally, for Jews who keep kosher, meat (and fowl) need to be slaughtered and prepared according to kosher specifications.

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Jews eat fish any day of the week. Since fish is considered a delicacy, it features prominently on the Sabbath menu; most Jews will tell you that the Sabbath meal is not complete unless fish is served. This is in addition to the tradition of serving at least two types of meat for Shabbat (Friday night) dinner. Fish is usually served on Friday night, Saturday morning and again on Saturday afternoon. Note that Jews will not eat fish and meat together; they will always be served on separate plates with a different set of cutlery. Between the fish and meat course most Jews will be carefully to eat some bread and drink something.

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muslim and chinese people can eat meat

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Which ever one doesn't eat meat