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He used a number of different ukuleles in various performances. Most appear to be custom made. His main Ukulele was a tenor sized, which looks pretty small in his hands!

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What are some great songs on ukulele?

Try looking up "the breakup song" or look up a video on youtube called the 4 chord song tutorial. the chords for the breakup song are G, Em, C, those in that order and its a song! haha

What musical group is the ukulele used in?

The ukulele is a stringed instrument of the plucked lute family. Many groups use the ukulele, Train is one of the current ones.

How do you use the ukulele today?

To make music!

What ukulele does Max Schneider use?

I am 99% sure it is the Lanikai SMP-T Solid Monkey Pod Tenor Ukulele

Does a tenor ukulele use nylon string?

You can. A Tenor ukulele is a bit bigger than a standard ukulele, so it might be harder to get the strings to the correct tuning, but it shouldn't be a problem.

What three things do you need to play an ukulele?

The only thing I know you must have is an ukulele. Some people play with a pick, but most just use their fingers.

How is a bass ukulele tuned?

Technically, there isn't a bass ukulele. The lowest is the baritone, which is tuned DGBE. If you use a guitar bass or U-bass, it is tuned GDAE.

Will using a guitar pick on an ukulele mess it up?

It will certainly increase the wear on the strings. And the hard plastic will scratch the finish up faster than using fingers. But there typically won't be a problem, but most prefer to play the ukulele without a pick.

Do you play the ukulele and the banjo ukulele the same way?

Pretty much it is the same way. If the instrument is strung the same way (mine is) you get the same chords and notes from the same string fret combinations. The banjolele tends to be louder. Many use a different strumming technique then they would on a standard ukulele.

How do you tune your Ukulele if you do not know how it is supposed to sound?

The strings on a normal ukulele are tuned GCEA going top to bottom. If you have a piano or a G tuning fork, use it to play the note g then try to tune the g on the ukulele to sound like the note you pressed on the piano then do the same with c,e,and a.

Where can you get a Kala ukulele?

Pretty much anyplace that sells ukulele will have the Makala line of ukuleles, the starting line of Kala ukuleles. You can check the Kala web site and use their Dealer Locator for authorized dealers throughout the world. The link is below. I purchased a Kala ukulele through Craig's List.

What does the shout Ukulele ali kitchy comba mean?

Not sure due to the translation issue that may be in play here: Kitsch Combo is a group that has produced some recordings. They play jazz and Latin music. I can't tell if they use an ukulele in their music or not. Ukulele ala kitschy combo - would refer to playing the ukulele in a kitschy or low class manner without any sophistication, which is usually the way the uke is played.