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As follows.

Rosh Hashanah is the first two days of the month of Tishrei, and is the Jewish New Year. Our traditions state that at that time the world is judged for the coming year (Talmud, Rosh Hashanah 16a); and during services we read the Torah and say prayers which ask for a good year and which declare God's kingship over the world. The shofar (ram's horn) is blown (Leviticus 23:24; Talmud, Rosh Hashanah 33b-34a), symbolically heralding God's kingship, and calling to mind the covenant of Isaac (see Genesis ch.22). Festive meals are held in the home, and traditional foods (such as the well-known apple dipped in honey) are eaten to symbolize a sweet year (See Talmud, Keritut 6a).See also:

The Jewish holidays

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Q: What were the Jews required to do on the feast of trumpets?
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How was the feast of the trumpets fulfilled on the New Testament?

I will try to give answer as best i can.This is a attempt only not to be stated as fact.I have never found anywhere in the new testament where it has been fulfilled will say Passover and up to Shavuot has been.The fest of trumpets would mean in some sense to blow the alarm i would think that this feast day is a coming event explained in the book of Revelations is a not hard to see that the feast days are kinda like Yashuah`s way to show us the importance of his appointed times so we might know the end

Are pocket trumpets the same as b flat trumpets?

Pocket trumpets, like normal trumpets, are most often keyed in Bb, but this doesn't mean that all pocket trumpets are in Bb.

What are the trumpets in the Bible when someone dies?

Death is a solemn occasion and trumpets aren't blown. In the Bible, they are usually blown to make an announcement - the coming of God to the Israelites in Exodus 19 and 20; a coming army to make siege or some type of danger; and the Feast Day of Trumpets which for Christians celebrates the 2nd Coming of Jesus to intervene in world affairs - saving mankind's total destruction - resurrection of the firstfruits and the establishment of the 'Kingdom of God' on Earth.

What sanitary practice was required of JEWS before eating?

Is required, not "was". Washing of hands.

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The feast of the PassoverJoseph and Mary travelled to Jerusalem every year for the feast of the Passover because the custom of the Jews that every year they should go to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast of Passover except for those people who could not travel anymore. By: Richard_90