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beautiful sound :D

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Q: Who was the violin developed for?
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When was the violin developed?

The violin was developed in 1053 by me

Where can you play a virtual violin?

I know that there is an app for it for the iphone and itouch. And Wii has developed a violin console as well.

When was the violin develpoed?

The violin was developed in the 1600s in Italy, and was first publicly used at a performance of a Monteverdi concerto in 1649. Hope this helps!

How did they invent the violin?

The violin wasn't invented. It was developed over time, originating from many different instruments. The first stringed instruments were probably developed in ancient Egypt, starting of as a guitar-like instrument.

Is the violin a 16th century instrument?

Yes, it was developed in the early 16th century.

Why did whoever invented the violin invent the violin?

The VIOLIN, VIOLA & CELLO developed from medieval instruments called VIOLS which came in a number of sizes. By the 17th Century, composers were writing specifically for members of the VIOLIN family as their sound was clearer, sweeter and LOUDER!

What year was the violin first developed in?

The first modern violin was crafted in Europe in the 16th century, and improved upon during the 18th and 19th centuries.

Did Mozart learn to play the violin?

he learned most of it from his father but just developed the love himself!

When was the violin first developed?

it became popular during the 16th century.

How were violins invented?

The violin as it is today was probably invented in northern Italy.

What is violin in Malay?

violin ; biola ; violin

Who uses the violin?

Violinists use the violin. I use the violin.