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Because they want to value themselves to society and it's something to talk about. But saying stuff behind a persons back is not a very right thing to do. Because the person being talked about can take it to offence. I think it's best not to gossip because it hurts. They only do it because they value themselves more then the person. Think: Wouldn't it hurt if somebody said you were fat then some other person came up to you and told you what he/she said??

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They don't rlly have anything else to keeps them occupied

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Q: Why do girls talk so much?
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no its a girl thing lol

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It is because we need to constantly be communicating. It has been proven we talk more than boys. We speak in text to save time so we can talk more. Also, guys also talk in text ,but just not as much as girls (as said b4). But girls do it because(kuz) they want to save time and not type as much. It's sort of a short cut.

What is so good about ooVoo?

you can talk to your friends and find girls... but if you are looking for girls i suggest kik.

Do girls talk about sex?

Yes in much more details then guys do.