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Microwaves are radio waves. That name is given to radio waves at

frequencies above 3 GHz (wavelength less than 10 centimeters).

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Q: Why frequency of microwaves is longer than radio waves?
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If Radio waves have a longer wavelength than microwaves What else is true about radio waves?

If the wavelength is longer, then the frequency is lower and the energy is less.

Radio waves microwaves and ultraviolet rays have longer wavelenghts then visible light?

Gamma rays and radio waves are both electromagnetic waves. Radio frequency waves are a lower frequency, so they have a longer wave length.

Microwaves are the radio waves with the frequency and energy?


Are microwaves a type of radio wave?

Microwaves are a frequency of electromagnetic radiation. It has a higher frequency than radio waves, but has a lower frequency than infrared light.

What is a low frequency wave?

Radio waves are the lowest frequency waves. Next are microwaves, then infra-red waves.

Which has higher frequency microwaves or tv waves?

In the entire spectrum of electromagnetic waves, microwaves and radiowaves (microwaves are sometimes classified under radio waves), have the longest wavelengths, and the lowest frequencies (and therefore, energy).

On the electromagnetic spectrum microwaves are located between infrared waves and radio waves. Which is true for microwaves?

That means that both the frequency and the wavelength of microwaves are also between those of infrared and radio waves.

Do satellites normally use microwaves or radio waves?

Microwaves are radio waves.Most satellites communicate in microwave radio frequency bands.

What wavelengths are longer than light but shorter than radio waves?

Infrared light, microwaves and radio waves have wavelengths longer than visible light. Radio waves have the longest wavelength.

Which part of the electromagnetic spectrum is nearest to radio waves?

Microwaves and, on the other side, ultra low frequency waves.

What is the radiation source for microwaves waves?

Microwave frequency radio waves are usually produced by a MAGNETRON.

Which type of radio waves have highest frequency and are used in radar detection?
