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yes when you pour the pop rocks into the soda the carbine dioxide builds up and the air makes it blow up

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It will brust and spray every way

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Q: Will pop rocks and soda blow up a balloon?
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Is pop rocks mixed with soda a physical or chemical reaction?

the chemicals in the soda interact with the pop rocks and they some times blow up.

What fills a balloon better Vinegar and Baking Soda or Pop Rocks and Soda?

Why would we be that sad to find that out?!

How does Mentos and soda pop a balloon?

Sure, but it is likely to blow up in your face! Wear safety goggles if you try it! Put the candy in the balloon, stretch the balloon over the mouth of the bottle and shake the candy out into the soda. It will release the gases and expand the balloon.

How much soda pop is needed to blow up a balloon?

All you need is about 1 cup.

Do you blow up when mixing soda and pop rocks?

no you dont it is a lengand!! <3 ily jkjkjkjk

Why do pop rocks blow up balloons?

Pop rock will release carbon dioxide when it is made wet, not enough to inflate a balloon however.

Is putting pop rocks in a soda and blowing up a balloon with it a chemical or physical reaction?

Mixing is a physical process.

How much vinegar and baking soda will need to blow up a big balloon?

60ml of lemon juice, vinegar, pop and alcohol A balloon An empty soda bottle 30ml of water 1 teaspoon of baking soda (5 mL)

What is the equation for pop-rocks and soda?


What kind of soda is best to use when you are doing pop rocks in soda with a balloon?

That would be an excellent science experiment! Try it with different types of sodas and with plain seltzer water and see which is best!

Do pop rocks explode in diet cokes?

No, they fizz and pop. Very little CO2 gas is released. Try this: pour a bag of Pop Rocks into a balloon, firt the opening of the balloon over a bottle of Coke, tip the ballon up to dump in the Pop Rocks, and watch as the balloon inflates a little.

Which pop will blow up a balloon biggest dr.pepper or sprite?

the balloon that will blow up the biggest is sprite as it is more fizzer and will be big.