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Millions of years ago, vents and fissures opened under the Pacific Ocean and lava flowed forth, creating huge underwater mountains and ranges called seamounts. The plates that formed the ocean floor inched toward North America about 35 million years ago and most of the sea floor went beneath the continental land mass. Some of the sea floor, however, was scraped off and jammed against the mainland, creating the dome that was the forerunner of today's Olympics. Powerful forces fractured, folded, and over-turned rock formations, which helps explain the jumbled appearance of the Olympics

Olympic Mountains". USGS.

. Retrieved 2009-03-01


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Q: How were the olympic mountains formed?
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The Nepal Olympic Committee was formed in 1962.

How old is the Olympic Mountain range?

The olympic mountains are 2,000,000 years old.

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There are no such mountains.

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Volcanic activity can form fold mountains or block mountains. Fold mountains are formed when tectonic plates collide. Block mountains are formed when fault block shifts.

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Mountains are formed at convergent plate boundaries or also known as fault lines.

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When land is pushed upbetween two fault lines, block mountains are formed

What are the names of different types of mountains?

Some types of mountains include: Fold mountains, formed by the folding of layers of rock due to tectonic forces. Volcanic mountains, created by volcanic activity and lava flows. Block mountains, formed when large blocks of the Earth's crust are uplifted. Dome mountains, which are rounded mountains formed by the uplifting of rock layers. Plateau mountains, which are large flat-topped mountains formed by erosion.

Mountains formed by magma that reaches the Earths surface are?

Mountains formed by magma that reaches the Earth's surface are called volcanoes.