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it means "im good, and anyways you have a boyfriend"

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Im very good and you precious?

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Q: Estoy bien y tu tienes novio?
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What is the meaning of estoy bien?

"Estoy bien" in Spanish translates to "I am well" or "I am okay" in English. It is a common way to express that you are doing fine or feeling good in response to a question about your well-being.

What is does amor tu tienes un novio mean in English?

"Amor, ¿tienes un novio?" translates to "Love, do you have a boyfriend?" in English.

Estoy feliz de ser tu novio?

I'm happy to be your boyfiend.

How do you say 'Im good and you' in Spanish?

Assuming it's the response to a greeting, how are you, then it's probably: Estoy bien. Y tu?

How do you say im fine you in spanish?

Estoy bien. ¿Y usted, ustedes, tú, vosotros, as? Estoy bien, y tu?

What do you say i am doing fine my dear in spanish?

Well, if you were asked first, you can reply with "bueno, gracias, y tu?"

How can i say im fine how was your day in spanish?

Estoy bien ¿Cómo estuvo tu día?

Nesesito un consejo soy una mujer you e enamorado de otra mujer y vivo con un hombre que no amo que you aconsejan?

tu tienes que desirle a tu novio que si tu aceptas que yo estoy enamorada en otra mujer pero ls tienes que decir a tu mujer que si ella quieres estar con tigo o sino tu vas a tener a nadie

Estoy vien y tu mean in English?

"Estoy bien" means "I am fine" and "y tu" means "and you", so the phrase "Estoy bien y tu" translates to "I am fine and you?".

How do you say im very good and you in spanish?

¿estoy muy bien y tu?

What is im good thanks and you in spanish?

im good thanks and you in spanish is Estoy bien gracias y tu?

What does yo estoy bien corazon y tu como estas mean?

This phrase translates to "I am fine, sweetheart, and how are you?" in English. It shows concern for the well-being of the other person while also expressing one's own current state of being okay.