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"tu fais quoi pendant les vacances ?" is a familiar French sentence to ask "what are you doing during the holidays?"

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Q: Tu fais quoi pendant les vacances?
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What is 'Pendant les vacances j'aime' when translated from French to English?

Pendant les vacances, j'aime... in French is "During the vacations, I like..." in English.

What does pendant les vacances mean?

During the vacation. (:

What is 'what did you do on holiday' in French?

"what did you do on holiday?" is translated "qu'est-ce que tu as fait pendant les vacances ?" in French.

How do you say during the holidays in french?

durant (or pendant) les vacances

How do you say in the Easter holidays in french?

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What is 'pendant les vacances' when translated from French to English?

"During vacation" and "on holiday" are English equivalents of the French phrase pendant les vacances. The pronunciation of the feminine plural prepositional phrase will be "paw-daw ley va-kawns" in French.

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What can you do on holiday in French?

qu'est-ce que tu peux faire pendant les vacances ?

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How do you say this summer vacation in french?

this summer holiday, as in, during the summer holidays, is pendant les vacances d'été

What does les vacances mean?

les vacances means the holidays or the vacations.

What does on a mean from the french verb avoir?

One has - often used to mean WE have. Pendant les vacances, on a visité Paris - during the holidays, we went to Paris.