Une descente de lit is a bedside rug, a type of small carpet where you will first put your feet when getting out of bed. Tu es une descente de lit pour moi probably means "to me you are just a carpet" in a figurative sense.
"Pour moi" means "for me" in French.
tout pour moi means 'all for me' in English.
"pour moi un portable" means "for me a cell phone" (or a portable computer, as "portable" could mean both in French)
Autant pour moi means 'so much for me'Answer'Au temps pour moi' was first said by a member of an orchestra who was 'out of step' with the other musicians. He was asking them to start up again at the point where he had made his mistake. "temps" here refers to the timing."autant pour moi" is a widespread mistake.Phonetically both expressions are identical
"por que moi" doesn't make any sense in French. por --> not a word in French. maybe pour, meaning for. que --> which, that, what moi --> me
L'amour pour moi me
"Pour moi" means "for me" in French.
tout pour moi means 'all for me' in English.
Prêt pour moi means 'ready for me' in English.
une fois que je suis dans ton lit que veux-tu faire pour moi ?une fois que je suis dans votre lit que voulez-vous faire pour moi ?are translated 'once I'm in your bed, what do you want to do for me?'
"pour l'amour de moi" means "for the love of me" in French.
Vous êtes le monde pour moi, vous êtes tout pour moi
Live for me.
hug it for me
This is easy for me.
Too expensive for me
"Pour que tu parles avec moi" in French means "So that you speak with me" in English.