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mascara, but if you mean in english, mask

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Q: What does mascara mean in spanish?
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How do you say mask in spanish?

a mask = una mascara ( pronounced mas-ca-rah)

What is a good free online photo editor with mascara?

If by 'with mascara' you mean you want a program that can add mascara to your photos, look for GIMP or Both are free and fairly easy to use.

What does 'volumising mascara' mean?

IT puts volume and depth into your lashes

What is clear mascara?

Mascara that is called clear mascara

How do you say mascara in spanish?

Que se vea lindo. OR Que quede bien.

What would it mean if mascara was able to mold?

I believe it would mean it would be very unhealthy for your skin

Is hair mascara the same as regular mascara?

no Hair mascara is like hair color

What mascara is least likely to run?

A mascara that is waterproof such as Avon Wash Off Waterproof Mascara.

Can you just dip a tube of waterproof mascara into water to see if its really waterproof?

no, this is extremely silly, and just wastes your mascara. If it says its waterproof mascara, then it is. Try it out, a good mascara is colossal by maybelline, i recommend this mascara

How do you pronciation mascara?

Mass Care Uh . Mascara :)

What is hydrofuge mascara?

Hydrofuge mascara is waterproof mascara. Sometimes on a mascara bottle the logo on one side will say hydrofuge, while the other side will way waterproof.

What is the best covergirl mascara?

That's really up to you. If you have long eye lashes you may like a mascara that adds volume like the lashblast volume blasting mascara or the volumeexact mascara. But if you have short lashes you may like a mascara that adds length like the Lashblast Length mascara or the Lashexact mascara. And of course they all come in a waterproof version.