Haud religio Pro Deus Est Intus
In manus Dei is the Latin equivalent of 'in God's hands'. In the word by word translation, the preposition 'in' means 'in'. The noun 'manus' means 'hands'. The noun 'Dei' means 'God'.
"God hates me" is "Deus me odit" in Latin.
The name Elizabeth means "God is my oath" or "God is my guide" in Latin.
Fear God
i shall fear no man but god
Haud religio Pro Deus Est Intus
In manus Dei is the Latin equivalent of 'in God's hands'. In the word by word translation, the preposition 'in' means 'in'. The noun 'manus' means 'hands'. The noun 'Dei' means 'God'.
Deum solum timere means "to fear God alone", which captures this meaning. If you want to explicitly say "and no one else", you can add nec quemquam alium.
If you were to say 'fear nothing' in Latin, you'd say vereor nusquam.
Fear God
The Latin root for phobia is "phobos," which means fear or panic. The Greek root is "phobos," which also means fear or panic. Both roots are commonly used in words related to irrational fears or aversions.
god in latin is ODGAY
the god of fear is Phobos and the god of terror is Deimos.
Nihil timoris.
Timor est solus deus tuus. literally translated. A similar Latin proverb: Damnant quod non intellegunt. Directly translated "They condemn what they do not understand" (often people misquote it as "People fear what they do not understand") The sentiments expressed by the English phrase, "Fear is your only god" and the Latin proverb "They condemn what they don't understand", are very similar.