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The English translaton of 'Je vois tout' is I see all, or I see everything. In the word-by-word translation, the personal pronoun 'je' means 'I'. The verb 'vois' means '[I] see'. And the noun 'tout' means 'all, everything'.

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15y ago

It would be something like 'Juh vwah too'

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9y ago

It means "I see all"

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Q: What is the English translation of 'Je vois tout'?
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The question phrases it a little oddly. The French should be: "Je vois tout et tout est vu par moi dans l'universe." Translation as given: "I see all and all to see by me in the universe." Translation of the correct phrase: "I see all and all is seen by me in the universe."

What is french translation for i see you?

"je te vois" or "je vous vois"

What does je vous tout mean in English?

literally "I you everything"..if from the movie Flyboy's, it is spelled Je Vois tout - I see everything

What does je te vois mean?

je vois in English means I see. A website to check out for help is

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Translation: I don't like it at all.

What does this mean 'ce que je vous vois'?

ce que je vois > what I'm seeing ce que je vous dois > what I am owing you je vous vois > I see you ce que je vous vois > ?? (not a correct phrase)

What does je pense a toi tout le temps je comprend plus rien mean in English?

"I think of you all the time, I don't understand anything anymore."

Je vois tout?

Cela peut signifier que vous êtes attentif et observateur. Il est important de respecter la vie privée des autres et de ne pas chercher à envahir leur intimité. Les bonnes intentions et la bienveillance doivent guider votre comportement.

What is the french translation for i will do anything for you?

Je ferai tout pour vous

What does 'Tout ce que je veux' mean?

The phrase 'tout ce que je veux' means All [or everything] that I want. In the word-by-word translation, the noun 'tout' means 'all, everything'. The conjunction 'ce que' means 'what'. The personal pronoun 'je' means 'I'. And the verb 'veux' means '[I] want, wish'.tout ce que je veux means 'all that I want' in English.

Bon nuit je te vois dans mes rêves?

If you're asking for an English translation: "Goodnight I see you in my dreams." (Or, more like, "I'll see you in my dreams.")