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When used as an objective pronoun, "nous" is "we". eg. Nous jouons au foot. = We play football. When used as a direct object pronoun, "nous" is "us". Note it is used before the verb. eg. Ils nous aiment. = They love us. It can also be used as an indirect object pronoun, ie. "to us", and are used to replace indirect noun objects. They can refer to people or things and are indirectly affected by the action of the verb. eg. Il nous a montré la photo. = He showed (to) us the photo.

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Q: What is the meaning of nous?
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The first nous is as you understand it -- the subject pronoun 'we'. The second nous is the direct object meaning ourselves. The infinitive of the verb is se laver, a reflexive verb. Unlike regular verbs, such as vendre, these verbs always have a reflexive pronoun. The other pronouns of this type are me, te, se, vous, and se (again for ils/elles). For instance, je me lave.

What does nous Means in English?

"nous" is the pronoun "we"

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nous nous is used with reflexive verbs and means ourselvesnous lavons : we are washingnous nous lavons : we are washing ourselves

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Nous nous souvenons

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mon amis et moi: my friends and i or just say "nous" meaning us/we.

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The phrase from French is spelled "entre nous" (ahn-tray noo, meaning between us).