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Oda Nobunaga

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Q: Who inaugurated the period known as momoyama peach hill in Japanese culture?
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When did the golden age of Japanese art begin?

The Momoyama Period in Japan-from 1568 to 1615

What country influenced Japanese culture?

The three countries that influenced Japanese culture in the Heian period were, India, Korea, and China.

What is the sequence of Japanese historical eras?

Japan has seven historical eras. Here is the country's sequential era and sub-areas: Early Historical Period (Asuka/Nara and Heian Period); Medieval Period (Kamakura and Moromachi Period); Early Modern Period (Momoyama and Edo (Tokugawa) Period); Edo Period (Kan' ei, Meiriki, Manji, Kanbun, Enpo, Tenna, Jokyo, Genroku, Shotoku, Kyoho, Horeki, Meiwa, An' ei, Tenmei, Kansei, Bunka, Tenpo); and the Modern Period (Meiji Restoration).

Why was Chinese culture so popular during the Nara period of Japan?

During the Nara period, the Japanese government implemented reforms that attempted to compete with China and the rest of the world by exemplifying Chinese culture, language, and political mechanisms.

How did karate affect Japanese culture during the edo period?

It had no effect on the Edo period. Karate was a martial art in Okinawa. It did not go to Japan until the 1930's.

Why did Chinese culture become so popular and accepted in Japan?

The Japanese accepted the Chinese culture because of it was older and more sophisticated than the Japanese culture. They adopted parts of the Chinese language, religion, government, arts and architecture and even the kimono, which is a Chinese inspiration during the Han period.

Political and cultural life of the filipinos during the japanese period?

During the Japanese period in the Philippines, from 1941 to 1945, Filipinos experienced widespread censorship, forced labor, and atrocities committed by the Japanese military. There were instances of collaboration as well as resistance movements, such as the Hukbalahap guerrillas. Filipino culture and traditions were suppressed, and Japanese culture was promoted instead. Many Filipinos also suffered from food shortages and economic hardships during this time.

What did Heiam women do to influence Japanese culture?

Women from the Heian court were very influential on Japanese literature. Poetry about nature, love, appreciation, and sensitivity became commonplace during this period.

What was the Philippines before the Spanish period?

They were a maritime oriented culture who had been active in trade with the Japanese, Chinese and other orientals for centuries when the Spaniards arrived.

Who invented The Kimono?

No one person is credited with inventing the kimono. The Japanese kimono was introduced over 2,300 years ago during the Jomon period of Japanese history. In Japanese, kimono means "things to wear."

What are the music during the American and Japanese period?

There has not been an American and Japanese period.

What was the most important works of Japanese literature during the Heian period were produced by who?

The most important works of Japanese literature during the Heian period were "Tale of Genji" by Murasaki Shikibu and "The Pillow Book" by Sei Shonagon. These works are considered classics of Japanese literature and provide valuable insights into the culture and society of the time.