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The Aegean Sea is the area of sea around Crete and Rhodes. There are lots of Shark specieis in the Meditteranean and around the UK.

Although there have not been many sightings of Great White sharks in Greek waters, a four-and-a-half meter Great White was caught in the waters around Andros and it is said that the largest Great White to ever have been caught was caught in the Med, off Spain. A theory is that they some travel to the Adriatic Sea where there are certainly large numbers of Sea Lions, and seals, a food source for them.

In the Meditteranean certainly the Thresher Shark is found, which uses its tail to hit the surface of the water to stun fish, which eats. No one has ever been attacked or bitten by a Thresher, and they are very scarce, as they have been hunted a lot for food. It is present off the Spanish Coast, and probably the Aegean.

There are smaller Dog Fish and Angel Shark (MonkFish) a Bottom dweller, and all harmless.

Off The UK, a number of Cold Water species are found and they include the Short Fin Mako, a dangerous Shark known to attack man. The Mako is a rare occurence, and hunts Mackeral shoals. There is some evidence that Climate Change is causing Sea Temperature Changes, and Mackeral shoals are extending there range. The Short Fin Mako hunts mackeral, and one was recently reported in the English Channel. Again an exceptional occurence, rather than an everyday one.

The Blue Shark is found in large numbers, off Cornwall, and in the Atlantic and colder Water. Larger species, of it have attacked man. The ones found are much smaller.

The Basking Shark is a summer visitor to the Coasts of Britain, and is a large shark, but totally harmless, as it feeds on Plankton. The Goblin Shark is found in the Coastal waters of the North Sea, Scotland and is found in Deep water, so only ever encountered rarely, dragged up and caught in netting. It has the potential to be a dangerous shark, because of the large size it grows too. There no reports of anyone ever being attacked by it.

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