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Children begin to use logic in their thinking during the Concrete Operational Stage according to Piaget's model.

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Q: During which of piagets periods of learning do children begin to use logic in their thinking?
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What was jean piagets contribution to education?

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Are jean piagets developments still used today?

Yes, Piaget's theories on child development continue to influence modern educational practices and are used by educators to understand how children learn and grow. While some aspects of his work have been revised or challenged, his emphasis on the importance of active, exploratory learning and the stages of cognitive development remains relevant in the field of education today.

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Applying Cognitive Psychological Perspectives To Health and Social Care?

Not sure, but my notes say, it can support people with learning difficulties and people with emotional problems, depression and post traumatic stress disorder. If that makes any sence what so ever? Maybe look at Jean Piagets theory and link them?