

Best Answer

Yes. Without pre-treating the canvas material, even the "permanent"

sharpie will run, fade, etc. Make sure to pre-treat all material before decorating and washing.

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Q: If you wash canvas sneakers that were drawn on with sharpie markers will the color fade or run'?
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Does sunlight affect sharpie markers?

Depends what color most dark colors shouldn't have any affect some of the lighter colors fade slightly.

What brand of markers last the longest?

Sharpie is known to be a long lasting marker for artists and students. The ink is always fresh and the writing is completely black in color.

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How many color sharpies are there?

The website for the Sharpie brand permanent markers indicates that the "fine point" type comes in 39 colors.

What markers can be used to write on a CD cover?

Because CD covers are generally made of plastic or cardboard, the best marker to use in order to ensure and prevent smearing is by using a permanent marker such as a Sharpie. Permanent markers can be found in a variety of color and sizes at local office supply stores.

How do you get sharpie out of your 100 percent cotton shirt?

you do not get sharpie out of your 100 percent cotton shirt unless the color of the sharpie is:magentababy blue

What color are Justin biebers sneakers?

he has alot of sneakers in different colours.

How can you get sharpie off a whiteboard?

Not sure if it really works, but I have heard if you write over a sharpie in a different color sharpie, it erases it - maybe worth a try.

What is the default background color for the canvas element in HTML 5.0?

The default background color for the <canvas> element in HTML5 is the same as the browser default background color. If there is a style sheet or <body> tag that defines the color, <canvas> will inherited that color. You can add style attributes to the <canvas> tag to set a different default background color for the element.

Is there a blue jay colored sharpie?

Yes, of course! Sharpie is a swell company, and this fantastic color was released in 2004.

What color sneakers does Justin Bieber wear in the video for Eenie Meanie?

black sneakers

What color clothings can you match with silver sneakers?

You can match with silver sneakers with blue and white clothes