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No dialogue is a soliloquy which is one person speaking alone to the audience. A dialogue is two characters speaking to each other.

Romeo and Juliet's first dialogue takes the form of a fourteen-line poem called a Sonnet.

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Q: Is Romeo and Juliet's first dialog a soliloquy?
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Romeo and Juliet. Romeo takes poison and Juliet stabs herself. But people can make convincing arguments that anyone in the play is responsible for their deaths. I mean, what was that apothecary doing, selling poison when he knew it was illegal? What kind of an idiot was Balthazar, telling Romeo that Juliet was dead without double-checking with the friar first? If Rosaline had only said "yes" to Romeo all this might never have happened. And so on and so on.

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Romeo is the first of the two to speak.

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