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well im a guy, and in my opinion my expectations would be to have a good time, not just wating sex because those kind of guys are the real pigs that will never get anywhere in life.

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Q: What are the expectations from a guy if you go to dance with him?
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Is it right for a girlfriend to go to a school dance that your not going to with another guy?

It's ok for a girl to go to a dance with a guy but if the girl likes the guy you may want to go to the dance with her not him!!!

How do you let a guy know you want to go to the dance with him?

Just tell him that you like to go dance with him!

How do you ask the cutest guy at your school out to the school dance?

If you really want to ask him then do it go right up to him and say 'I was wondering if you would like to go to the dance with me'........ if you don't want to do that then at the dance ask him TO dance

How do you ask a guy to the dance?

Go up to him when he's not around his friends and ask.

How do you get a guy to go to the dance with you?

how do you get a guy to dance with you ... well isent that what every girls l wants to know .if the boy is to shy, start making hints like "i love this song " or just go up to him if he would want to dance. if you get rejected shrug it of and enjoy the dance and act like nouthing ever Evan happend

How do you say no to a guy if he asks you to go to a dance with him?

You dont do that it is not very nice because he had to work up the courage to ask you the dance he asked you to dance for a reason and you never know he may just want to be your friend so accept no matter whatJaKwell it deoends on who the guy is. but if you despeyes him dont go

How can a guy ask a girl to a dance?

go up to her and say would you like to come to such in such dance if she says no then there is plenty of other fish in the sea!

How do you tell a guy that you want to go the dance with him?

A good way is to flirt. Ask him to go with you as a friend. With any luck just a friend could change into something more at that dance.

What to do if you like a short guy and your a tall girl?

Just go with it! I like a guy name Will (Not saying he's really short) but he kinda is. As long as you both like each other, everything should go fine. If your going to slow dance look up how to slow dance with a short guy.

How do you dance with a guy who only knows how to dance nasty?

I go to dances in my community and I can really dance. But when it comes to dancing with boys what is an alternative to grinding, and don't say slow dancing.

If you asked a guy to a dance he would go with you?

depends if he is shallow or not like if he only wants you for your looks

How do you ask a guy to a dance if they are your friend?

ask them then dance with them