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In "Romeo and Juliet", Lord Capulet doesn't want any trouble at his gathering, and knows that entails keeping Tybalt calm. He asks him to not start any trouble about Romeo attending the party, and explains he is a gentleman.

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Q: What does lord Capulet say to Tybalt in reference to Romeo's attendance at the party?
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How does Capulet react to Romeos attendance?

Capulet tells Tybalt to leave Romeo alone and not ruin the party because he is enjoying his time.

Is Tybalt a Capulet?

Yes Tybalt is a Capulet he is Lord Capulet's nephew.

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Tybalt recognizes Romeo's voice at the Capulet's feast and is outraged that he has crashed the party. He informs Lord Capulet about Romeo's presence and insists that he should be removed from the party immediately. Lord Capulet, however, allows Romeo to stay because he does not want to cause a scene at the feast.

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Tybalt is associated with the Capulets, and he thinks of himself as a Capulet, but he is actually not a Capulet at all. He is the son of Lady Capulet's brother, and Lady Capulet is only a Capulet by marriage. That is why it is Lady Capulet, and not Lord Capulet, who is so furious with Romeo after he kills Tybalt.

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Who gets angry when he sees romeo at the Capulet party?

Tybalt gets angry when he sees Romeo at the Capulet party because he recognizes him as a Montague and feels that his presence is disrespectful and inappropriate. He views Romeo's attendance as an intrusion and an insult to the Capulet household.

Tybalt told Capulet that what will be bitterly regretted?

Capulet prevents Tybalt from fighting Romeo at the party.

Who all died on the Capulet side?

On the Capulet side, Tybalt, Lady Capulet, and Paris died. Tybalt was killed by Romeo, Lady Capulet died of grief, and Paris was killed by Romeo in a duel.

Why does Tybalt call for his sword?

Tybalt recognizes Romeo, a Montague, at his uncle, Lord Capulet's, party, and believes Romeo intends to insult the Capulet family.

Why was Tybalt upset at the party?

Tybalt was upset at the party because Romeo arrived at the Capulet party. Tybalt believes that Romeo is mocking him and the Capulet name by arriving at the party. He attempts to fetch his rapier but his uncle, Lord Capulet stops Tybalt.

Who sees romeo at the party and wants to throw him out?

This would be Tybalt. Of course Capulet is really only his uncle by marriage. Tybalt is Lady Capulet's brother's son. Tybalt does not actually plan to ask for Capulet's permission to throw Romeo out; he calls for his rapier without consulting Capulet first. It is only when Capulet asks him what the heck he thinks he's doing that he explains himself to Capulet.

Who issues a challenge on Romeos life in Romeo and juliet?
