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The duck billed platypus.

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Q: What has feet like a duck but its furry?
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What walks like a duck acts like a duck looks like a duck but is not a duck?

Wild wood ducks which are Actually part of the geese family so are not ducks but look, walk, act and make the same sound as ducks

What is the duck grape and library joke?

So this duck walks into a hardware store (or library) and he says to the guy "Do you have any grapes?" the guys like "no, we're a hardware store" so the duck waddles out. The next day the duck walks back in and say s"Do you have any grapes?" The guys like "uh no?" So the duck waddles out. The NEXT day the duck walks back in and says "Do you have any grapes?"The guys all pissed now and he says "No i already told you! If you come in asking again I'll nail your feet to the floor" The duck waddles out. The next day he walks back in and asks "Do you have any nails?" The guy is like "ahh im so sorry but I just sol dthe last pack to the guy over there" *points to guy walking out door with nails* So the duck says, "do you have any grapes?" baaahahaha

What is the answer to the riddle You whistle through your wooden teeth I sound like a duck when I sing?


The riddle why is a duck?

Why is a duck?......Because you are pissing me off.

Can someone mention a funny joke?

A duck walks into a store and asks the cashier guy, "Do you have any grapes?" and the guy says no. The next day the duck walks into the same store and asks the cashier guy, " Do you have any grapes?' and the guy says no. The next day the duck walks into the same store and asks the cashier guy if he has any grapes and the guy says, "If you ask that question one more time I'm going to staple your feet to the floor." The next day the duck walks in the store and says, "Do you have any staples?" and the guy says no, then the duck asks, "Do you have any grapes?" :)