

Best Answer

* Barnaby Rudge * Bleak House * A Christmas Carol * David Copperfield * Dombey and Son * Great Expectations * Hard Times * Little Dorrit * Martin Chuzzlewit * The Mystery of Edwin Drood * Nicholas Nickleby * The Old Curiosity Shop * Oliver Twist * Our Mutual Friend * The Pickwick Papers * A Tale of Two Cities

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Q: What is Charles Dickens most famous work?
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Most famous work of Charles Dickens?

A Christmas Carol.Wich is still popular today.

What shoe size was Charles Dickens?

Charles Dickens shoe size is unknown. Charles Dickens was a well known writer and his most famous work was A Christmas Carol.

What were Charles Dickens works like?

Charles Dickens based most of his work on actual events that happened in that time

What work in 1836 made Charles Dickens famous?

The publication of "The Pickwick Papers" in 1836 is what made Charles Dickens famous. It was his first novel and was widely popular for its humor and social commentary, establishing Dickens as a prominent writer in the literary world.

Did Charles Dickens's mother work?

Charles Dickens' mother never worked outside of the home.

The British novelist Charles Dickens became very successful whit what?

Charles Dickens's first serialized work, Sketches by Bozbrought him some attention, but it was The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club that made him famous in 1836.

What year did Charles Dickens work for the morning chronicle?

Charles Dickens worked for the Morning Chronicle in 1834.

Was most of Charles dickens writing fiction or non fiction?

Although Dickens wrote some non-fiction essays and articles, the majority of his work was fiction.

Where did Charles Dickens work when he was 18?

Shoe Shiner

What did Charles Dickens work as?

Charles Dickens was an author and editor. He wrote The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, Pickwick and Oliver Twist.

What is your favorite Charles Dickens book?

His most famous work is without a doubt the short story 'A Christmas Carol'. After that I would think: * Oliver * Tale of Two Cities * Great Expectations * David Copperfield

Before becoming a writer what did Charles Dickens work as?

he was a jornalist