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Q: What religion was giles Corey?
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When was Giles Corey married?

Giles Corey was married to Martha Corey but in what year

What happened to giles Corey in 1692?

Giles Corey along with his wife, Martha Corey were accused of practicing witch craft. They were both killed, Giles in 1692.

What were giles Corey religious beliefs?

He was Puritan, clearly seeing as everyone in the villiages had to practice the same religion.

Who is Giles Corey and why is he introduced into the play?

Giles corey was martha corey husband and john procters friend. Giles corey was introduced into the story because he was an actual uncommitted victom in the salem witch trils.

When was giles Corey born?


How was giles corey executed?

Giles was excused because he refused to enter a plea. Giles was hit by stones.

What news does giles Corey and frances nurse tell john proctor?

That Giles Corey's wife and Rebecca Nurse are locked up in jail.

By the end of the crucibles giles Corey has been what?

Giles Corey is crushed by rocks due to a judicial order during the Salem Witch Trials.

When did giles Corey die?

Giles Corey was one of the six men executed during the Salem Witch trials 18th September 1692

What is is Giles Corey's complaint about his wife?

Giles Corey says that his wife reads a strange book at night and that when he trys to pray he can't because of her

What is Giles Corey's complaint about his wife?

Giles Corey says that his wife reads a strange book at night and that when he trys to pray he can't because of her

Was Giles Corey wealthy or poor?

he was poor