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Modern Dance has varied roots but there are a fewkey people who are generally considered to be the first modern dances (Martha Graham, Doris Humphrey, Charles Wideman, and Hanya Holm)). The main predessesors to them were Isadora Duncan who did "barefoot dancing", Ruth St.Dennis (and Ted Shawn) who did character dance pagents, and Loie Fuller who was in vaudeville. In many ways Modern dance was a rebellion against Ballet. There were interested in the potential for the body to express something other than beauty like the ballet. They were also exploring the potential in the body for dance movement (basically less strict posture allowing for more varied movement)

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What is the difference between Jazz Dance and Modern Dance?

The difference between modern and jazz dance, is that in modern dance the movements come from your own feelings and expression. Modern also has fundamentals in ballet and focuses on taking up space. Jazz dance is an older type of dance and the steps do not come from your feelings. It is faster paced and involves attitude. Both of these dance forms have traces in ballet.

What period of time does contemporary dance come from?

'Contemporary' means 'Modern' in the context of dance.

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modern dance techniques of modern dance contemporaries.

Where did the word dance come from?

the word dance came fom all over the world

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modern dance is modern while interpretative dance is more in interpretaion

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Early Man, when he was trying to interpret the natural world around him.

Did modern dance develop from any other style?

I am assuming that what you are referring to as modern dance is modern jazz dance. This style of dance came from ballet.

When was The Modern Dance created?

The Modern Dance was created in 1978.

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Brazil x

Do you get more flexible in modern dance or jazz dance?

Modern dance requires more flexibility than jazz dance.

How many third world countries are there in the world?

Come to my house and I will teach you how to dance >:P

Why developed modern dance and why?

The person who developed modern dance was Isadora Duncan. Martha Graham was just a dancer inspired by Isadora Duncan and her dance, Modern Dance.