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Your nose is the cartilage structure in the middle of your face, through which you can sense (smell) scent.

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Q: Where is your nose Your nose is in the middle of your face.?
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What is the theme of the poem be glad your nose is on your face by jack prelutsky?

Your body is designed a specific way and your body parts including your nose cannot go anywhere else on your body except the place they are already.

What can you touch but not see?

An elephant in a dark room? Well, anything in a dark room. Or your back, face(Excluding nose) ... you can feel them, but without the help of a mirror, you can't see them.

Can you tell at least one joke?

Knock, knock? Who's there? Ach? Ach who? Ha, ha, made you sneeze. What's your name? Name. What's the color of the sky? Blue. What's the opposite of down? Up. Name blew up. What's your name? Name. What's this? Point to your nose for this joke. Nose. What's in my hand? Nothing. Name knows nothing. What's your name? Name. What do you do with your nose? Smell. What do you wear under your shoe? Socks. Name smells socks. What do you do with your mouth? Spit. What's your name? Name. What does i n spell? in. What does t h e spell? the. What's this. Put your hand over your face. Face. Spit name in the face. What's under there? Under where? Ha. Ha. Made you say underwear.

Why is septoplasty performed?

Septoplasty is performed to correct a crooked (deviated) or dislocated septum. Septoplasty may also be done as a follow-up procedure following facial trauma, as the nose is frequently broken or dislocated by blows to the face

What character in Romeo and Juliet can not read?

The clown, he's called in Shakespeare's script. Be careful, this does not imply someone with a white painted face, a red ball nose and a fright wig. It means someone who is unsophisticated and possibly not to bright.

Related questions

Were is your nose located?

look in a mirror... in the middle of your face!! ; )

Is your nose in the middle of your face?

Had you been drinking when you asked this question?

Why is your nose in the middle of your face?

It is the scenterThe nose is in the middle of a typical human face, to connect with your eyes and mouth. Snakes smell warmblooded animals with their tongue. We usually want to blow our nose when we cry.actually the nose is in the middle of the face because it evens out the light for your eyes to see and it makes what u see evenbecause it is in the scenter (center)

How should a black Indian look?

Two eyes, two ears. Probably a nose somewhere in the middle of the face.

How do you kill the shark on the impossible test water?

First hit the tip of the sharks nose and then stab he shark right in the middle of the face.

Is your nose in your scull or face  bones?


Where would you find cartilage on your face?

on you nose on you nose

Which is correct Cut off your nose despite your face or Cut off your nose to spite your face?

'to spite'

The nose is superior to the chin?

Yes, anatomically speaking, the nose is located higher on the face than the chin. The nose is part of the upper face while the chin is part of the lower face. This relative positioning makes the nose "superior" to the chin.

What is a Patrician nose?

A Patrician Nose is a nose that confirms well with a person's face. It is an aristocratic nose. A powerful nose that has great character.

Is your nose your middle ear?


What is exactly the angle of a nose on the human body?

depends on the nose and the face.