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Because Bill Cosby likes Jell-O.

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Q: Why is there hair on your nuts?
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If You eat brizalan nuts does it help your hair growth-?

yes it helps hair to grow and make the hair to soften.

How do you avoid white hair?

Just eat nuts, for example, peanuts, almonds, and pistatios!

Which hair mask is recommended for frizzy and dry hair?

I recommend a Indalo Macadamia Nuts Anti-Frizz Hair Mask with Goodness of Hibiscus that can tame frizz and give your locks moisture.

What color do you use to die red hair brown?

It can be really tricky to dye red hair so go to a hairdresser. It ain't worth wrecking your hair and looking nuts! I speak from experience!

Is Brazil nut good for the hair?

Yes. In fact, all sorts of nuts are good for your hair because they are known to have very high amounts of proteins inside them.

What is diet for converting grey hair into black naturally?

Unfortunately nothing can convert the color from grey to black. i mean you can't get back the black color of those hair which has become grey already. But you can prevent or reduce the rate of greying. Add a handful of nuts such as almonds, walnuts, Pecans, Brazil nuts, Cashew nuts, Peanuts in your everyday diet. Nuts contains Vitamin B6, Which is responsible to take care of the back hair. Zinc, which plays an important role to maintain hair colour and hair loss as well. Copper is a mineral which prevents the hair to become grey. So make sure your diet contain adequate supply of nuts including oat,raisin,dry beans, broccoli, avocado,garlic and 8-12 glasses of water.Those are the good source of copper Vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid, prevents the greying of hair. whole grains, egg yolk have that.

How do you register on to Tonka Garage?

First you bend over and get a prostate exam. Then you shave your nuts and take the hair and put it on your head. Next walk to brad fishman and give him so hair.

How do you control hair loss for men?

eat more nuts... materbate less...wash hair more frequently...Sleep enough...Do not be so rational...release yourself sometimes...hope these will help you!

How do you make your hair less greasy without washing it?

This may sound nuts, but have you tried the "baby powder" trick? What you do is sprinkle baby powder on the "part" of your hair. BUT- just a little on the rest. I do this at home, it so works!!!!!!

How do you get beeswax out of hair?

Peanut Butter. it works really well and doesn't harm hair.But use the peanut butter that doesn't have any nuts in it.

How does it change as it grow?

How does what change as what grows?it grows by eating nuts and it's nose is fatter. the most important is it's eyes

Does smoking weed makes your hair grow?

my hair has always grown quickly and I dont smoke weed. On top of this I a veggie which lots of people continually try to tell me is bad for me. I eat lots of dairy and nuts though so maybe that helps you hair grow.