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disease during the time was excruciating so the owners decided it was necessary to close it down a lot. also they let people from the streets in, they traditionally sat on the floor rather than the bleachers, but that didn't stop the germs from spreading.

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The Puritan faction gained control of London during the English Civil War and ordered the closure.

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disease and black plague.. was spread easily because everyone was in close proximity

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Q: Why was the Globe Theatre often closed down?
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What group closed The Globe theatre in 1642?

The theater was closed down by the Puritans.

What group of people shut down the Globe Theatre?

The parliament closed it down.

Was the Globe theatre originally called the Rose theatre?

No, the Rose theatre and the Globe theatre are two different theatres. The Rose theatre opened before the Globe theatre in 1587, and the Globe theatre opened afterwards in 1599. The Rose theatre closed in 1605, whereas the Globe Theatre was burnt down in 1613, rebuilt in 1614 and then closed in 1642. Both theatres are now rebuilt and open to the public.

Why did the first globe theatre get torn down?

The first Globe did not get torn down; it burned down in 1613. The second Globe was torn down in the 1640's after it was closed down in 1642.

When did the globe theatre close who closed it and why?

The Globe Theatre was built in 1599. The Puritans shut the theatre down in 1942. Two years after, it was demolished to be use as tenement.

When did the globe theatre close who closed the theatre any why?

the theatre closed in 1642. The Theatre was closed down by the Puritans as were all theatres a religious group of the time who were a bit extremist are such activities were not accepted, social activities were not allowed.

Why did the globe theatre close temporarily in 1592?

It closed down for a while because of the plague

How many times has the globe theatre burnt down?

burnt once, then closed down, then reopened to our modern day.

Why was Shakespeare's globe demolished in 1644?

The Globe theatre was closed down in 1642 by the Puritans. It was demolished in 1644-45.

When was the first time the Globe theatre was burnt down?

The Globe Theatre burnt down in 1613 after its opening in 1599. It burnt down because during a production of Henry VIII, a theatrical cannon was fired and it set fire to the roof. The theatre was rebuilt in 1614, and then closed down in 1642. Now there is a replica called Shakespeare's Globe open to the public.

How was the Globe Theatre Burnt Down?

The Globe Theatre was burnt down by a canon in one of his plays

How long was the globe theatre burnt down for?

the globe theatre burnt down for 1 hour