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Q: A 2.5 kg textbook on a shelf 0.75m above table the table top 0.80m above the floor?
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What size table cloth do you need to reach the floor on a 60 inch round table?

That completely depends on the height of table top above the floor. The width of the tablecloth needs to be the width of the table (60") plus twice the height from the floor. So, if the height from the floor is 30", the tablecloth needs to be 120" wide.

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Store them on a shelf, on a table (pallet) or in a cabinet. On the floor, they are subject to absorbing spills and attracting pests. Plus, floors are hard to keep sanitary, and then if you handle the container that has been on the floor, you spread the contamination.

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Is a textbook on a table a balanced force or an unbalanced force?

A textbook on a table is an example of balanced forces. The force of gravity pulling the book downward is balanced by the normal force exerted by the table in the upward direction, resulting in the book remaining stationary on the table.

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There are many cool and simple DIY projects. Make a new floor by painting a rug on the floor with craft paint and sealing with polyurethane. Make a dressing table with a shelf attached to the wall with brackets and add a mirror and skirting.

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the table of contents

A cat is chasing a mouse on the top of a table 1.75 m above the floor if the cat slides off the edge of the table at a velocity of 8 ms a how long does it take to hit the floor?

4.5 seconds thats one awnser but is the cat a sumo cuz then the table would break and he would fall faster

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right before the table of contents or the spin! : )

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95.94 according to my chemistry textbook...

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From an earlier French word 'consolle' a short form of the word 'consollateur' meaning a bracket or support. Thus, a cabinet designed to stand on the floor rather than putting the object on a shelf

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