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You can either halve the wavelength, keeping the wave speed constant; or double the wave speed, keeping the wavelength constant.

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Q: How can you double the frequency of a wave if you have control over both the wavelength and the wave velocity?
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If the speed of a wave doubles while the wavelength remains the same what happens to the wavelength?

You actually answered your own question. The wavelength remains the same since it is stated as part of the problem. However, the frequency, which I am betting you are more interested in will double. The frequency is releated to the wavelength and the speed of the wave by the following equation f = v/l where f is the frequency, v is the speed, and l is the wavelength. So if the velocity doubles and the wavelength is constant, then the frequency will double.

If the frequency of a wave traveling in a rope is doubled what will happen to the speed of the wave?

Assuming that the wavelength remains constant, the velocity of the rope will also double if the frequency is doubled. This can be seen in the word equation below: speed = frequency x wavelength If we assume that wavelength is a constant...let wavelength = 1 speed = frequency therefore... 2 x frequency = 2 x speed

If a wave is traveling at a certain speed and its frequency is doubled what happens to the wavelength of that wave?

Wavelength = 1/frequency. If you double the frequency, the wavelength drops to half.

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What would happen to the wavelength of a wave if the frequency is halved?

The wavelength would double.

What happens to the wavelenght of a wave when the frequencey of the wave doubled but speed stays same?

Speed = wavelength x frequency, so wavelength = speed / frequency. Therefore, the wavelength is inversely proportional to the frequency. Double the frequency means half the wavelength.

How do you double the wavelength of a wave?

Halve the frequency of the wave.

What happens to the wavelength of a wave that is traveling at a certain speed and its frequency is doubled?

If the frequency becomes double what it was, then the wavelength becomes 1/2 of what it was.

What happens to frequency when you double wavelength?

The product of (frequency) times (wavelength) is always the same number. (It happens to be the speed of the wave.) So if one of them doubles, the other one gets decreased by half.

What happens to the speed of the waves if the frequency of the wave source is halved?

The wavelength of a wave would double if the frequency was cut in half. Wavelength=c/frequency where c equals the speed of light.

All electromagnetic waves have the same?

In a vacuum, all electromagnetic waves have the same propagation speed of c = 300,000,000 meters per second (the speed of light). All of these waves, however, may have different frequencies and thus wavelengths. The speed of a wave is related to its frequency and wavelength by the relation (speed) = (frequency) X (wavelength) Since the speed of electromagnetic waves in a vacuum is constant, the frequency and wavelength are "inversely proportional" to one another. This means that cutting the frequency of a wave in half makes its wavelength double, and vice versa.

What is the speed for frequency equals 12.30 wavelength equals 1.33?

Using the wave equation: Speed = frequency * wavelength, v = fλ v = speed in meters/second (m/s) f = frequency in Hertz (Hz) λ = wavelength in meters (m) and plugging in the given values, I got v =16.359 m/s, but double check me.