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Creatine Phosphate cannot directly supply energy to a cell, instead, it stores energy released from mitochondria. Whenever sufficient ATP is present, an enzyme in the mitochondria (creatine phosphokinase) promotes the synthesis of creating phosphate, which stores excess energy in its phosphate bond.

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Q: How does creatine phosphate supply energy for muscle contraction?
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What are the four possible energy sources for a muscle and the three sources of ATP for muscle contraction?

Creatine phosphate, oxidative phosphorylation, and glycolysis.

Which groups of words are energy sources for muscles?

Creatine phosphate and ATP are both sources of energy for the muscles. Creatine phosphate is found in vertebrate muscle, while ATP can be found anywhere within the cell.

What is the purpose of creatine phosphate in muscle contraction?

Creatine's main benefit is its ability to aid in the production of energy. When ATP (adenosine triphosphate) loses one of its phosphate molecules and becomes ADP (adenosine diphosphate), it must be converted back to ATP in order for the molecule to be able to produce energy again. The creatine in our body is mostly stored as creatine phosphate (known as phosphocreatine), and it will donate its phosphate to the ADP which renews the ATP molecule and it can now produce energy.

Creatine phosphate functions in the muscle cell by?

Creatine phosphate functions in the muscle cell by storing energy that will be transferred to ADP to resynthesize ATP.

What describes the aerobic process of creating ATP for muscle energy?

Creatine phosphate

Which cell have creatine phosphate in them?

Creatine phosphate exist in muscle and brain cells.

What is creatine made of?

Creatine is a result of the metabolism of protein. It is present in living tissue. It supplies the energy for muscle contraction.

What level of muscle use the creatine-phosphate powers?

The level of muscle that creatine-phosphate powers is striated or skeletal muscles.

Creatine phosphate and ATP together create enough energy for a muscle to contract for?

15 seconds

What is commonly used to produce ATP during skeletal muscle contraction?

creatine phosphate, anaerobic cellular respiration, aerobic cellular respiration

What is the high energy storage compound in muscle that acts as a reservoir for energy to maintain a steady supply of ATM?

Creatine phosphate

Briefly explain where the energy comes from in a one-minute sustained muscle contraction?

During a sustained one-minute muscle contraction, the first 4-6 seconds of energy comes from stored ATP. The next 6-15 seconds of energy comes from the transfer of creatine phosphate and ADP to form additional ATP. The last 15-60 seconds of energy comes from glycolysis.