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When two materials rub together, the loosely held electrons of one material move to the material with the more tightly held electrons.

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2mo ago

Friction can transfer electrons by causing the rubbing of materials together, which results in the transfer of electrons from one material to another. This transfer occurs due to the buildup of electrostatic charges on the surface of the materials, leading to the movement of electrons from one material to the other.

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Does electrons move from one object to anther when rubbed together?

Yes, when two objects are rubbed together, electrons can transfer from one object to the other. This transfer of electrons leads to one object becoming positively charged (loses electrons) and the other becoming negatively charged (gains electrons).

How is an electric charge transferred by friction?

When two objects are rubbed together through friction, electrons can transfer from one object to the other. This transfer of electrons creates an electric charge imbalance on the surfaces of the objects, leading to one becoming positively charged and the other negatively charged.

What can happen to electrons during friction?

During friction, electrons can transfer between materials, leading to one material becoming positively charged and the other becoming negatively charged. This can create static electricity. Additionally, electrons can also be accelerated by the forces generated during friction, leading to the production of heat.

What happens when something is charged by friction?

When something is charged by friction, electrons are transferred between the two objects involved in the frictional contact. This transfer of electrons causes one object to become positively charged (loses electrons) and the other to become negatively charged (gains electrons).

Which subatomic particle is gained or lost during friction induction and conduction?

Electrons are the subatomic particles gained or lost during friction induction and conduction. This transfer of electrons is what causes static electricity to build up on objects.

How is an object charged by friction?

When two objects rub against each other, the transfer of electrons between the materials can cause one object to become positively charged (loss of electrons) and the other negatively charged (gain of electrons). This charging by friction is a result of the triboelectric effect.

Why is friction is needed for static electricity?

Friction is needed for static electricity because it helps to transfer electrons between objects by physically rubbing them together. This rubbing causes the release or gain of electrons, leading to the buildup of static charge on the objects.

Conduction is the transfer of electrons from a charged object to another object by rubbing?

Conduction involves the transfer of heat or electricity through direct contact between objects. It does not involve the transfer of electrons from a charged object to another by rubbing. Rubbing objects can create static electricity, where electrons are transferred due to friction, but this is not conduction.

What is used to describe the buildup of electrical charges on objects due to friction?

Static electricity is used to describe the buildup of electrical charges on objects due to friction. This phenomenon occurs when two objects rub against each other, leading to the transfer of electrons and the creation of an electric charge on the objects.

When we rub two objects together so they can or electrons?

When two objects rub against each other, electrons can transfer between the objects due to friction. One object can become positively charged from losing electrons, while the other becomes negatively charged from gaining electrons. This transfer of electrons creates static electricity.