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there are at least 7 different types. Wind, hydro electrical,geothermal, biomass, nuclear power, solar, and by pedaling a bike or other exercise on a machine you can use magnets to create electricity.

By: Dragon Guerrero

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there are two types :static electricity and current electricity

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Wind Power Nuclear Energy Solar Power Geothermal Energy

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Q: How many types of alternative energy are there and what are they?
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What are 3 types of alternative energy?


How is electrical energy made from an alternative form of energy?

There are different types of energy that are considered "alternative". The details depend on the type of energy.

What are some of the least expensive types of alternative energy?

Some of the least expensive types of alternative energy include petroleum, coal, alcohol and biomass. Solar and wind energy are, of course, free of charge.

What are different types of alternative energy sources?

Wind Power, Geothermal Energy, Hydroelectric Energy

What are 5 types of alternative energy?

the 5 alternative sources are geothermal,hydro,wind,solsr,biomass

Are renewable energy resources also called alternative energy resources?

Alternative energy or a Sustainable energy source

What are examples of alternatives forms of energy?

Alternative forms of energy are healthy and reusable types of energy that generate power and electricity. There are seven types of alternative forms of energy. They areBiopower, Geothermal, Hydroelectric, Hydrogen, Solar, Tidal/Ocean, and Wind. Trust me on this I'm a fag

What are the types of alternative energy's?

Wind, solar, hydro-electric, biomass and waste to energy plants, wave energy, geothermal and nuclear are a few alternative energy sources among others. All of these have a "net zero" carbon footprint.

Name an energy source that's unreliable?

Many alternative energy sources are not very reliable. If you use solar energy, the Sun doesn't always shine, if you use wind energy, you won't always have wind, etc. Basically this means that if you want to use alternative types of energy, you need some storage mechanism for times when there is no energy directly available.

What are the 5 types of alternative energy?

Wind, solar, hydro-electric, biomass and waste to energy plants, wave energy, geothermal and nuclear are a few alternative energy sources among others. All of these have a "net zero" carbon footprint.

A hair dryer changes electrical energy into which types of energy?

Electrical, Kinetic and Heat (however many people still argue that electrical energy is not true energy, but a product of other forms of energy, so as an alternative I'll say sound (or pressure) energy).

What are some questions that have the answer 'Alternative Energy'?

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