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Q: Produce a useable form of energy for the cell?
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The least useable form of energy is?

The form of energy is that is least useable is heat. Heat is normally a waste product, that is released when other form of energy are used.

Produce a usable form of energy for the cell?


What Energy-producing organelles are the .?

Mitochondria produce energy for the cell in the form of ATP molecules.

Mitochondrion is the storage area within the cell?

Mitochondria produce energy for the cell in the form of ATP

What is one likely outcome if the mitochondria in a cell stopped working?

The mitochondria would stop releasing the energy in food and the cells would stop running. So basically it is just like the less active the cell is, the less energy it has, and the more mitochondria it needs.

What does mitochondria do in a eukaryote cell?

Mitochondria produce energy in the form of ATP. They are the cell's biochemical 'power factories'

What are the energy-producing organelles?

mitochondria and chloroplasts (for plants)

What is the function of organelle Mitochondria?

Its is the nuclear plant of produce energy for the cell in form Of ATP or ADP

The purpose of the Krebs cycle is to?

Provide Cells with useable Bio-Chemical Energy in the Form of ATP.

What is the function of the mitochondrion in a plant cell?

Its fuction relates with respiration to release energy

If the cell is active does it have more or less mitochondria?

An active cell will contain more mitochondria than an inactive cell. Mitochondria produce ATP, the main form of energy for cells.

What theory states that if one form of energy can produce a second then the second form of energy should be able to produce the first form?

The theory of conservatio of energy