

What is alpha absorbed by?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Since alpha is a Helium nuclei, consisting of two protons and two neutrons, with an Atomic Mass of 4 and a charge of +2, it interacts very easily. As such, it can be stopped with a single sheet of paper, the skin, or just a few inches of air. Unfortunately, alpha is also a very good cancer creator because, if you ingest it, say in the lungs, it is in very close proximity to tissue that is highly sensitive.

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Is alpha or gamma is more absorbed by matter?

Alpha particles have much less penetrating power than gamma rays.

What is the penetration ability of alpha?

Alpha particles have a large mass and are easily absorbed and thus can only travel a few inches from their sources in air and will easily be absorbed by clothing. That being said if the source is ingested alpha particles are the most damaging form of radiation having a strong ionizing effect on their surroundings due to their high charge.

Is alpha radiation absorbed by paper?

Alpha radiation (a Helium atom with two neutrons) is very bulky, and therefore cannot penetrate physical objects easily. A sheet of paper will not absorb, but deflect the alpha particle.

Can beta radiation be stopped by a piece of paper?

Alpha radiation is absorbed by a sheet of paper; beta radiation is absorbed by a person; gamma radiation is absorbed by a stell wall. However, small amounts of gamma radiation can still be absorbed by a person.