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they move like old people

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When particles of a gas lose thermal energy, they move slower. This is because temperature and kinetic energy are directly proportional - as thermal energy decreases, the average kinetic energy of the particles decreases, leading to slower movement.

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Q: When particles of a gas lose thermal energy do they move slower or faster?
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What happens to the speeds of the particles when thermal conduction is occurring within a solid?

During thermal conduction in a solid, kinetic energy is transferred from faster-moving particles to slower-moving particles. This leads to an overall increase in the speed of slower particles and a decrease in the speed of faster particles, resulting in a more uniform distribution of particle speeds.

When faster moving and slower moving particles collide which particles gain energy?

In a collision between faster and slower moving particles, typically the slower moving particles will gain energy and speed up while the faster moving particles will lose energy and slow down. This is due to the principle of conservation of energy and momentum.

How is thermal energy transferred among particles?

Thermal energy is transferred among particles through conduction (direct contact between particles), convection (movement of fluid particles), and radiation (electromagnetic waves emitted by particles). These processes involve the transfer of kinetic energy from one particle to another.

Substances with high thermal energy have fast moving particles but depend on mass (amount).?

Yes, substances with high thermal energy have particles that move quickly, but the amount of thermal energy also depends on the mass of the substance. More massive objects may have slower-moving particles than less massive objects with the same thermal energy.

What happens to states of matter when you remove thermal energy?

When thermal energy is removed, a gas will condense into a liquid, and a liquid will freeze into a solid. This is because particles will slow down and lose enough energy to change states.

Related questions

What happens to the speeds of the particles when thermal conduction is occurring within a solid?

During thermal conduction in a solid, kinetic energy is transferred from faster-moving particles to slower-moving particles. This leads to an overall increase in the speed of slower particles and a decrease in the speed of faster particles, resulting in a more uniform distribution of particle speeds.

When faster moving and slower moving particles collide which particles gain energy?

In a collision between faster and slower moving particles, typically the slower moving particles will gain energy and speed up while the faster moving particles will lose energy and slow down. This is due to the principle of conservation of energy and momentum.

Does increased energy increased that particles are moving faster r slower?

Increased energy makes particles move faster.

If thermal energy is added to matter do the particles move slower?

No - they speed up

How is thermal energy transferred among particles?

Thermal energy is transferred among particles through conduction (direct contact between particles), convection (movement of fluid particles), and radiation (electromagnetic waves emitted by particles). These processes involve the transfer of kinetic energy from one particle to another.

When you add energy to the particles move?

faster. and matter then would move slower

Substances with high thermal energy have fast moving particles but depend on mass (amount).?

Yes, substances with high thermal energy have particles that move quickly, but the amount of thermal energy also depends on the mass of the substance. More massive objects may have slower-moving particles than less massive objects with the same thermal energy.

What makes things hot or cold?

The thermal energy inside them. The more thermal energy you put in them (e.g. by heating them), the hotter they are going to become, and the stronger the particles that they are made of are going to wobble around. This thermal random motion of particles is called 'Brownian motion'. dunno

When you add energy to matter particles move?

faster. and matter then would move slower

How are changes in thermal energy and state of matter realted?

If the thermal energy is higher, then the particles in the object move faster and want to get away from each other because it is so hot, thus, its a gas. If the thermal energy is lower, then the particles in the object move slower and form a solid shape, like they are huddling together, thus, its a solid. If the thermal energy is right in between the two above, then it is a liquid. A great example is H2O, it is the base measurement of density, when its thermal energy rises, it turns into water vapor, if its thermal energy lowers, it turns to ice.

Do particles get faster as they get hot?

Particles will move faster when heated and slower when cooled.This is the reason that solid objects grow larger when heated. The particles are moving so fast they are making ti expand. Paragraph by -- Kira2k

What happens to states of matter when you remove thermal energy?

When thermal energy is removed, a gas will condense into a liquid, and a liquid will freeze into a solid. This is because particles will slow down and lose enough energy to change states.