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Q: Why potential energy is minimum at equilibrium distance?
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Show that cohesive energy is minimum at equilibrium separation?

We have Lennard-Jones Potential given by, U=4epsilon[{(sigma/R)^12}- {(sigma/R)^6}] At equilibrium, dU/dR=0 if U is minimum. Solving, we get U=-epsilon which is indeed the bottom of the potential well.

What is the distance between kinetic and potential energy?

Kinetic and potential energy are a type of energy, not a measurement of distance.

Types of equilibrium?

In physics there are two common types of equilibrium: static equilibrium and neutral equilibrium. Equilibrium usually is related to potential energy, for a system to be at equilibrium it must maintain the balance between the two types of mechanical energy: potential and kinetic. The first equilibrium: static means that the system is in a relatively low (relatively means that there could be lower energy but the current states is a local minimum), thus small disturbances to the system will be returned to its original equilibrium. The other type of equilibrium is neutral equilibrium, the relative energies of the system is constant, thus disturbances to the system will move the system but it will remain at the same equilibrium value, and the system makes no effort to return to its original state. Please take a look at the graph for a visualization of these 2 types.

As a planet approaches perihelion does it potential energy increase or decrease?

At perihelion, the planet is closer to the Sun, and moves faster, that means that the potential energy is at a minimum, and the kinetic energy at a maximum. The sum of kinetic + potential energy, of course, remains constant.At perihelion, the planet is closer to the Sun, and moves faster, that means that the potential energy is at a minimum, and the kinetic energy at a maximum. The sum of kinetic + potential energy, of course, remains constant.At perihelion, the planet is closer to the Sun, and moves faster, that means that the potential energy is at a minimum, and the kinetic energy at a maximum. The sum of kinetic + potential energy, of course, remains constant.At perihelion, the planet is closer to the Sun, and moves faster, that means that the potential energy is at a minimum, and the kinetic energy at a maximum. The sum of kinetic + potential energy, of course, remains constant.

When you stretch out a spring at what point would you have the greatest potential energy?

A spring has maximum potential energy at maximum displacement from equilibrium. This means that the greatest potential energy will occur when a spring is stretched as far as it will stretch or compressed as tightly as it will compress. In an oscillating system, where an object attached to a spring is moving back and forth at a given frequency, the object will oscillate about the equilibrium point, and the potential energy of the system will be greatest (and equal) when the object is farthest from equilibrium on either side.

What happens to the molecules in a glass of water as the water evaporates?

The energy of a molecule is made up of potential and kinetic. so as kinetic increases, potential decreases. Also as when molecule is in gaseous state, the distance between molecules is much greater than that in a liquid, so the potential energy is less as a gas NOTE a molecule has potential energy when it is a certain distance away from its equilibrium position between adjacent particles during its vibrations in a liquid. Kinetic energy is motion energy. SO in there is less attraction between adjacent molecules, so potential energy is less.

What is potential energy dependent an object's weight and distance from earth's surface?

Gravitational potential energy.

Where is the potential and kinetic energy in a pendulum?

The maximum potential energy is at the top of each swing and is at its minimum at the bottom of the swing when it is perpendicular to a horizontal surface. The maximum kinetic energy is at the bottom of the swing, and is at its minimum at the top of each swing. Please refer to the related link below for an illustration.

Potential energy is at a minimum when?

i don't have an idea but i believe it is when they are stable

What is potential energy dependent upon an objects weight and distance from earths surface?

Gravitational potential energy.

What elastic potential energy depends on?

Elastic potential energy depends on the distance the object is compressed or stretched.

Does stable always mean more order can we reach a more stable state with less potential energy but with more disorder?

Stable means a minimum of Gibbs free energy. Potential energy comes in many flavors, but an example of less potential energy and more disorder is the death of an organism. While it is alive, it is full of potential, and order, and is at a sort of steady state. If it is dead, disorder sets in and it approaches an equilibrium state. The issue is entropy and the second law of thermodynamics.